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Run your AC Efficiently with These Tips

Published July 9, 2021
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3 Ways To Maximize Your AC Efficiency

1. Keep windows and doors closed

Every time you open and close your windows or doors when your AC is running, you’re letting the cool air out and the warm air in! This forces your AC to cycle on and work even harder to maintain the comfort of your home. Keeping windows and doors closed when the AC is running will help your unit work more efficiently in keeping your home cool.

2. Weatherize doors & windows

Make sure there are no leaks of any size in your attics, or around your windows or doors. These small gaps and holes can let cold air out and warm air in. Fixing these small leaks and weatherizing your doors and windows will allow your unit to work best.

3. Shade the Condenser

If your condenser is in direct sunlight, it gets hot! The hotter it gets, the harder that the condenser has to work to keep your home cool. Although you should give it shade, make sure to remember that you don’t want to surround your unit or block any air flow. Just provide it with a nice, shady spot!